Saturday, February 11, 2006

Doom Fresh Or Stale? *May Contain Spoilers*

[The Freshness]
So Tonight we all took a trip to Furiated Cinema. By we all I of course mean John, Michelle, HeDie and myself. Now as far as I know I was the only one to have seen this particular *ahem Gem in the theater. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy it. More senseless violence, can't live without it. This movie has two great things going for it. One: The first person sequence is great. Two: Not directed by the King D-Bag himself Uwe Boll.

So the movie opens up with some potential, running and screaming followed by some Death. Then the Marines are introduced. Of course The Rock is the first we see, getting the mission. Leave is cancelled there are grumblings. New rookie (obviously going to die). They make it to Mars, to quote "All Hell breaks loose". People die. 1st person scene. More people die. You can tell that the movie was originally rated "R" because The Rock dropped like 8 F-Bombs a few shits and to cap it all off one MF. Granted it was delivered great "Semper Fi Mother F*cker" classic. The day is saved. Now what do you think O Stale One?

[The Staleness]
I passed on seeing this in the theater. I believe I had a chance to go see it with The Freshness, and it was See Doom vs. Sleeping In and sleep won out. That should illustrate the amount of desire, or lack thereof, I had for seeing this movie.

I was never a really big fan of the game. I played my fair share of Doom 1 back in the day. I still have that first level of Doom burned into my memory from playing it so much. But I've always been more of a fan of shooting other people rather than random made-up monsters. That probably says something about me, but I'll leave that up to someone more qualified.

The one thing I do seem to remember is, weren't these supposed to be creatures from hell or something like that? Not a genetic experiment resulting in mutated freaks? Changes from source material always bother me if I notice them, which is why I try to stay unfamiliar with some things if I know I'm going to see the movie version. The one change I heartily applaud is the decision to abandon the standard Doom color palette consisting of 16 shades of brown. That being said, this is a dark movie. Visually, this did not work out very well. Underworld, for example, is also dark throughout, taking place almost entirely at night, and has excellent visuals, everything is still easily visible. Doom is so dark, it is very hard to make anything out at times. And a whole scene will go by, ending with the characters turning on the lights in the room, prompting me to wonder, Why didn't you just do that in the first place?


[The Freshness] I will have to say I have to concur as far as the Demons from Hell thing. I bought the movie because I did enjoy it. The 1st person scene is great but overall I must say the movie is mediocre/Stale.

[The Staleness] I agree that the first person sequence was pretty damn cool. Other than that, the plot, what there was of it, was old and tired, and the action scenes were nothing special. While this wasn't a terrible movie, it's very blah and average and leaning towards Stale.


John said...

There was one unexpected thing in the movie. I don't think I can say it without giving anything away, but, um...even though the movie stars the Rock, the other guy is paper.

John said...

Yeah, but you could accidently leave a video camera on and catch a dog licking it's crotch for two hours, and it would still be better than House of the Dead.

Crap. I think I just gave Ewe Boll an idea for his next movie.

Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I heard that this movie sucks, and that it has more loose ends than a hawaiian grass skirt.