Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Final Destination 3 Fresh or Stale? *Could be Spoilers*

[The Freshness]
So Tonight was the free screening of Final Destination 3. So all told it was Myself, The Almighty Stale One, Jason and Amber. Arriving at the theater we decided the line was not so bad so we bounced to Quizno's with the quickness to grab some grub. When we returned there was no line. Someone working at the theater actually said not to form a line. Wow, my kind of crowd. So I set off making my way to the front. Everyone else stayed back. Once they finally let everyone in I of course hopped in. Now the first row of stadium seating is always key, due to the fact that you get a footrest with the seat. Now the first row was reserved for the "Press"...Bastards.
So the movie started. The chick has her "vision" and geeks...blah blah blah. Anyway, I myself am quite confused by the fact that one of the people that cause the damage in the "vision" gets off the coaster. So if he got off how did the accident take place? Then come the fresh deaths. Everyone dies the way it is revealed in the digital camera pictures...ooooo scary. Fun and bloody though. So now I open it up to The Staleness...
[The Staleness]
Any night you get to have a toasty sub from Quiznos isn't totally stale. This free screening was put together a lot better than the one we went to for Kung Fu Hustle, in that we actually got in without a problem, and there wasn't already a line out the door an hour before showtime and worried movie people with clipboards running around in a frenzy trying to fit everyone in.
I concur on the point about the plot not making sense in regards to the coaster accident. Without spoiling too much, an item that a passenger has causes the coaster to start going nuts, and because he is one of the people that gets off the coaster when the chick with the vision freaks out, shouldn't the accident not happen now? And the whole thing with the digital camera pics was pretty lame, seems like a good idea, but poorly executed. The first few pictures they show, we're like Ooookay, that pic shows what exactly? A blurry pic of the two hot chicks has a reddish tint and that's supposed to mean what now? On the whole, not a bad movie to see for free, the high points would be the deaths, which were excellent and creative, and the gratuitous nudity with the aforementioned two hot chicks. The downside would be the plot that doesn't quite come together, and the fact that this movie really isn't connected to the first two at all, despite one of the characters mentioning Flight 180 from the first movie and the whole "dying in the order you would have died" theory. I thought Final Destination 2 tied in with 1 really well, I liked the premise, part 3 seemed like an excuse to show off some gory death scenes, but at least they pulled that part off really well.
The Freshness: In my opinon it is a Fresh viewing for free or a matinee, mindless death is always amusing....
The Staleness: I would agree that it is certainly Fresh for low money or a rental, certainly worth a watch, especially if you liked the first two


John said...

See it for free. Gotcha.

The Freshness said...

Free or next to free is good. I think it is worth the matinee price. Or you could always wait for it to go to Flagship Cinemas.

John said...

Or watch it at Eric's house. It beats the Cameo.