Wednesday, April 12, 2006

V For Vendetta Fresh Or Stale? *May Contain Spoilers*

[The Freshness]

So I have now seen this twice. Once in digital and the second time in IMAX. So since the only way The Staleness has seen it, that is the one we are discussing. For those of you that have not been to IMAX, go. This is only my second "real movie" in IMAX, but the difference is huge.

So the movie starts with a bang, well sort of. Natalie Portman and V are getting ready for a night out, the scene bounces back and forth between the two. Evey (Portman) is out after curfew and is accosted by some men, who turn out to be men of the "law", V saves her and then takes her to a rooftop, where he blows up a building. From there everything goes downhill for Evey. You want any more details, see the movie. Or better yet read the comic, which I have yet to do as well.

[The Staleness]

I did see this only once and in IMAX, I thought it looked and sounded great. I’m a big fan of seeing “real” movies in IMAX, if it’s showing in IMAX then I’ll make an effort to go see it there, much like I will try and see something in a digital theater if it has certain showings in digital. Plus at Jordan’s you get the silly 3-D intro, and some 3-D trailers, and being a child of the 80s, I’m a sucker for anything 3-D.

I thought the movie was fantastic. I liked the plot, the action scenes were great, especially V’s last battle scene which had much blood flowing freely. I have not read the comic, and I hear that they changed the ending, which I’m sure would have bothered me greatly if I had read and loved the book. But reading how they differ, I must say that I like the movie’s ending, and the one from the comics I don’t think would translate to the screen too well. My one complaint, which is fairly minor, is that they never explain exactly who the “Fingermen” are, like the ones that hassle Evey in the beginning. It’s implied that they are special police, but they never give you any information on them such as what exactly they are supposed to do and how they came about.

[The Verdict]

[The Freshness] This movie is Extremely Fresh in my opinion. Well told and the acting is great. Hugo Weaving is the man. When there is action is there it is great, good use of expolsions. All I can say is go see it, now. Turn of the PC and go do it.

[The Staleness] I also thought this was a very Fresh movie. And I think the V outfit will make a pretty fresh Halloween costume. And Ultimate Freshness will be bestowed upon anyone who gets me a screen cap of Natalie Portman in that costume she wore to see the priest… *drools*

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