Sunday, April 30, 2006

United 93


So where to begin? A difficult movie to review the way I look at it. Others may feel they are capable and don't get me wrong they have done a good job (Amber and Draven). I myself am not going to go down that route. I personally will have the same post on both here and at the other Fresh Vs. Stale.

I myself can remember where I was on 9/11 like most people older than me can recount where they were when Kennedy got shot. I was working at Bj's and we had the TV's on in the front of the store. I was standing there slack jawed as the second tower got hit. I was on the phone off and on throughout the day with Jose keeping him updated as he was at work and could not see anything about it. Rumors were flying everywhere about other places being hit. I sat there and watched the Towers fall on CNN completely stunned.

It saddens me to think that I have not actually thought too much about the events on that day in some time. All the people who lost loved ones must be reminded of it every single day, innocent people just trying to pay the mortgage.


I guess we are dropping kayfabe on this one and going with real names, as well as not giving it a Fresh or Stale verdict, which is understandable since this isn’t really the type of film for that.

I was at my previous office job when this all started to unfurl, and the receptionist got a call from a friend who heard about the first plane on the radio, and we stood stunned in the break room watching CNN on the TV in a state of disbelief. It all seemed like a movie, not something that could really happen. I remember looking up at the sky while driving home, and though the chances of seeing a plane at any given moment aren’t all that high to begin with, I was especially aware of the emptiness of the sky. I stopped at the mall on the way home to pick up a new release DVD and the mall had shut down for the day. That for some reason drove home the surreal feeling of the entire day.

My only concern with this film, is that even though it was painstakingly pieced together with all the known evidence and events, including some actual recordings, we still don’t really know exactly what happened on flight United 93. While the general consensus is that this is how it went down, and it likely was, it is just something that was gnawing at me a bit while thinking back on the film.

[Final Thoughts]

[Nick] No matter how ready you think you are for this movie, you are not ready. It is a very moving film. That actually means a lot coming from me, as I am pretty Jaded and desensitized. It will affect you in some way. There were many tearful people leaving the theater. A few from my group even. Me it affected different, I was more angry than anything else. What a waste.

[Eric] As has been mentioned on other reviews, this really is a film that’s tough to watch, even knowing what’s going to happen. I won’t suggest that this is a film that everyone needs to see, some people probably aren’t ready, and may never be. But we should certainly never forget.


NYPinTA said...

This is probably a movie that I will be avoiding for quite a long time.
Even now, and probably forever, just a few images of the Towers give me chills and make me feel ill.

mcBlogger said...

I was at school when it happened. Someone showed me it on and I thought it was a joke. Rushed home just in time to see the second tower go down...complete and total shock.